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Welcome to my official website! Through this platform, I hope to share more about my music journey. This includes my music, upcoming performances, and reflections pertaining to my faith, life and music in general. I also hope that this website will serve as an interactive avenue to engage with you too!

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My Story

What is the meaning of life? How does music interact with this profound question?


Music has always been an integral part of my life, and it has always served as a "bridge" to help me reflect deeply about my faith and life. As a teen, the question about the meaning of life always confounded me.

It was only through the acceptance of my Christian faith as a young adult that I gradually started to understand what life was truly about. Music, especially classical music, then, began to serve as a conduit to my growth as a Christian. It was during my time in university where I gradually embraced my calling as a musician, and how I could use this gift of music to reach out to people. 

It was in 2015 where I made the decision to leave the finance industry to pursue a career in music. It was incredibly challenging initially, but the invaluable experiences gained through persevering and overcoming these trials grew me as a musician, and most importantly, as a person in my Christian faith.

Nonetheless, life is still an enigma. I have yet to figure everything out, but my Christian faith has gradually helped me to understand the true meaning of life. 

As such, I have decided to create this website as an interactive platform to share about my faith journey as a musician. I pray that my reflections and music will serve to stimulate ideas and inspire you in your own journey in life!




I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.

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